

Signed an advisory contract with Kimiyuki Chatani, who was responsible for the development of previous PlayStation models.

(headquartered in Toshima-ku, Tokyo; Shigeki Nakamura, President; hereinafter “Tendagames”) has signed an advisory agreement with Kimiyuki Chatani for further corporate growth and organizational enhancement of Tenda Games.

Kimiyuki Chatani (right) and Shigetaka Nakamura, President and CEO of Tenda Games, Inc.

■ Aim of this advisory agreement
Mr. Chatani is known for his responsibility for the development of successive PlayStation systems, and has deep knowledge of how to create new products, services, and mechanisms based on his many years of experience in building platforms in an era that demands rapid change, including AI.

Tenda Games is engaged in multi-entertainment to deliver fun and excitement to the world by combining its expertise in game planning, development, and operation with IP (intellectual property) production. In addition to consumer and online games, Tendagames is taking on the challenge of entering new game domains such as Web 3.0.

■ Mr. Kimiyuki Chatani comments

I am very pleased to be appointed as an advisor to Tenda Games, Inc. I will use my 16 years of experience in the PlayStation business from development to management, the launch of an interactive AI platform at an Internet conglomerate, and audit, tax, and business support experience at a professional firm to help the company bring new entertainment products to fans around the world. Mr. Kobayashi, Chairman of Tenda Co.

We will learn from Chairman Kobayashi and President Sonobe of Tenda Corporation, President Nakamura of Tenda Games, Inc. and other members of the management team about the challenges and challenges of the company’s development, and will provide maximum support.

■ Shigeki Nakamura, Representative Director, Tenda Games, Inc.
Mr. Chatani, the author of “The Age of Creative People” and a “creator” who participated in the launch of the first PlayStation business at Sony and later worked on the conception, development, and business operations of successive PlayStation models as CTO and EVP, and has achieved great success in the global market, will join the advisory panel.

In order to create new things, services, and systems, there are processes for each of the people and organizations that develop them. “Creators” create things, platforms, services, people, and organizations. Under the guidance of Mr. Chatani, a “creating professional,” we will further polish and develop our strengths in planning, development, and operation, with the aim of accelerating the promotion of Tenda Games’ business and delivering fun and excitement to the world.

■ Profile of Kimiyuki Chatani
After completing graduate school, he joined Sony Corporation’s (then) Development Research Laboratory, where he developed hand-drawn character recognition, before returning to Japan to study user interface and computer graphics at an American university. He was a founding member of the original PlayStation, which achieved operating income of over 100 billion yen within 3 years of its launch and sales of over 1 trillion yen within 7 years. As CTO/EVP of the business, he was involved in the conception, development, launch, and business operations of successive PlayStation models. He later served as the head of the Technology Strategy Division at Sony’s headquarters, the executive officer in charge of AI at Rakuten, the CEO of the digital development company of KPMG, one of the Big 4 accounting firms, CDO of KPMG Japan, and the Japan Head of Build by McKinsey & Company. He continues to be involved in “Monozukuri” and “Platform Creation. Author of “The Age of Creative People” (Nikkei BP). Currently, he is the President and CEO of Office Chatani Corporation.

PlayStation” is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.